Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan, an apex research institute of Vidya Bharati, came into existence in 1980 with the inspiration of Honorable Sri Bhao Rao Devras Ji. It is located at Nirala Nagar, Lucknow. Housed in a three-story building it has a well-equipped library, psychology lab, computer lab, conference hall, and guest rooms.
Aims and Objectives:
Accepting Indian culture, philosophy of life as the foundation of children’s education and growth of integrated personality, the following are the aims and objectives of the Institute -
- To publish useful literature based on Indian culture, ideals, values, and spiritual beliefs, keeping in view the present structure of education.
- To establish centers in different parts of India for the study of all types of problems related to education.
- To organize seminars, workshops, and symposia with a view to develop mutual cooperation amongst faculty and research scholars.
- To do all types of work for developing the feeling of unity and brotherhood among all the social groups of the Indian society.
- To provide facilities for the study of Indian philosophy, psychology, history, sociology, and other subjects, and to arrange and publish lectures of eminent scholars of these subjects.
- To acquire land and construct buildings for the Institute and arrange residential, library, and other facilities for visiting researches including an arrangement of residence for salaried workers and non-salaried officials of the Institute.
- To provide financial help or scholarship to bright researchers for research and arrange hostel facilities for them.
- To publish a journal for educational research articles.
- To study the social and educational problems for the development of poor, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, and backward class children and children residing in villages and remote areas.
- To establish harmony between science & spiritualism and on its basis to offer suggestions for a sound system of education.
- To make the study of Yoga in education comprehensible.
- To educate students and teachers from any part of the world in Integral education viz. physical, vital, mental, psychic, and spiritual.
- To arrange a better library facility for providing knowledge of educational psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, and other subjects.
- To study the educational problems of the village region.
- To act as a distribution and information center of research and welfare activities of social bodies and Government agencies working in the field of education.
- To organize camps for children and youth of the country for education and training.
- To provide and seek cooperation from other institutes of research and training of states, national and international level working in the field of education and training.
- To prepare research projects on education, philosophy, Indian culture, and other related subjects and submit them to State, National, and International level Institutes for financial assistance.
- All the activities of the institute shall be for the welfare of the whole society irrespective of caste, class, region, gender, religion, or political beliefs.
At present, the library has approximately 5,000 books on Indian philosophy, psychology, education, and research methodology along with dictionaries, encyclopedias, journals, and survey reports, etc. primarily in Sanskrit, Hindi, and English. It has a well-equipped reading room with a reprographic section and audio-visual section. Various newspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals are available.
The psychology and the computer labs are well equipped.
Guidance and Counseling
The Guidance and Counseling cell of the Sansthan helps students in solving their, educational, vocational, and personal problems. Salient features are:
- Help to adjust to the school environment.
- Develop study habits and hobbies.
- Provide extra help and special care for students with special needs.
- Solve study-related problems, like low scoring, examination pressure, etc.
- Help students in the selection of subjects at entry-level.
- Inform students of careers available.
- Career counseling and vocational guidance through aptitude and personality testing.
- Counseling for personal and psychological problems.
- Help those suffering from mental deficiency, depression and suicidal tendency.
- Help in addressing emotional and behavioral problems