Ethics & Spiritual Education
Vidya Bharati believes that ethical and spiritual education is a must for the overall development of a child
Today’s child is the leader of tomorrow. In our education today, the goal should be to inculcate in the child, love, and respect for the motherland and ancestral values from the very preliminary stages. It is only through ethical and spiritual education that there would be character development in a child. The good habits that we want the
child to learn and practice have to be repeatedly told. This lesson is first given at home by parents and then at the school by the teacher. It is often seen that today the student gives more importance to what is taught by the teacher than by the parents. And it is here that the role of teachers, in shaping the future of the student, and in turn, the future of the nation, becomes so important.
In Vidya Bharati, a complete syllabus has been made for a value education for all classes, from class 1 to 12.
Moreover, all teachers - be they of any subject, are asked to take care of the ethical aspect while teaching. For example, a teacher of mathematics can develop a student's truthfulness, patience, and self-confidence. In the same fashion, a science teacher can develop in the student qualities of the scientific outlook, adhering to principles, cleanliness, self-study. In the history class, the student can be taught nationalism, love for the nation, responsibility towards the nation.