Role of Vidya Bharati during one year for Implementation of NEP
आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव में विद्या भारती क्या-क्या कार्य करेगी, इस पर मा० श्रीराम आरावकर जी, अखिल भारतीय महामंत्री का प्रेस वक्तव्य आपको प्रेषित कर रहे है।
Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsva
After a long foreign rule Bharat got independence on 15th August 1947.
In this long freedom struggle by way of bycot, non-co-operation, stryagraha, role of Indian National Army, disobedience by soldiers played a big role.
After independence Bharat started its journey for development and is continuously achieving new heights. Seventyfifth year of independence is beginning on 15th August 2021. Country plans to celebrate this full year as “Amrit Mahotsva” of independence with great enthusiasm.
All the schools affiliated to Vidya Bharati will also celebrate this “Amrit Mahotsva” of independence with full enthusiasm and will undertake following activities –
- One patriotic song decided at National Level will be sung collectively.
- One patriotic song every month will be sung daily at local level.
- Principals, teachers and students will narrate the stories and incidents of bravary and sacrifice by young freedom fighters.
- Compilation and attractive presentation of development of the country between 1947 and 2020 in the field of science, sports, education and defence. Collection and compilation of extra ordinary work, done by ordinary people who were awarded ‘Padam Purskars’ and great solders who got ‘Paramvir chakras’.
- Collection and compilation of general information about Presidents and Prime Ministers of Independent Bharat.
- Students will prepare projects relating to the journey of development of their district w.r.t agriculture, industry, business, road, electricity, water, health and irrigation etc.
Shreeram Araokar
All India General Secretary
Anniversary of NEP-2020: Vidya Bharati’s role – Way Forward
- D. Ramakrishna Rao
Vidya Bharathi has been putting it’s all out efforts and providing unstinted support to the government at policy preparation stage of almost five years. Once the policy is out in public domain on July 29th, 2020, it has its role carved out and tasks fixed at implementation level in the best interest of the country. Entire network across the country including all the stake holders were involved in this whole exercise.
- Welcoming path breaking recommendations & making people comprehend: Having studied the NEP-20, we did welcome the initiatives and recommendations at the first instance. Later we were educating people how is it different and better from earlier policies. Because we felt that without people's participation this implementation becomes a futile exercise.
- Vidya Bharati's stake holders are made to understand National Education Policy in detail: With 1.5 lakh teachers, about 50 lakh parents, no less than 10 lakhs alumni, ex-parents, big bunch of management members of around 25,000 Vidya Bharati institutions, it is our duty to make everybody understand the details of the policy for which thousands of webinars and online panel discussions were held across the country during the first two months.
- Presenting our views on government & non-government platforms: We never missed any opportunity to present our nationalist view on governmental platforms viz., NCERT, CBSE, Ministry at centre including joint parliamentary committee. It was one to answer their queries and two to present our views. In this process number of our people are involved. We were given a chance to address Confederation of Indian Industry on some issues raised in NEP-20.
- Rapport with government machinery: We were meeting almost every month with the ministry, especially the Secretary, School Education and Literacy by providing inputs in a big way including concept notes on different subjects. Of course, we never forget to deliver our Sishuvatika material, which is our domain and effort for the last four decades. Met ministers at centre and many of the states, central and state coordinating nodal agencies viz. NCERT, SCERT which are responsible for implementation were in regular contact by our vidwat parishad members, Researchers, office bearers and experts in different subjects.
- Worked out templates for ECCE submitted: On 17th January and 1st April 2021, we have submitted inputs and worked out templates regarding ECCE with minute details. Improvised syllabus of ECCE for all 3 to 8 years was also attached. With our help only 3-month preparatory module for class I students Vidya Pravesh was made ready during 1st week of August.
- Role in preparing state curriculum frame work: As per the directives of NCERT, state curriculum frame work is to be prepared by incorporating and integrating the local and indigenous flavour from across the country through wider consultations for which SCERTs to take lead role by coordinating with nodal officers of NCERT. State has to form 25 focus groups and prepare position papers in those 25 identified areas by NCERT for developing State Curriculum Frameworks. Our people are putting efforts in this direction and helping both SCERT and DIETs.
- Inputs for Bharateeya philosophical and psychological foundations: Inputs are available with Vidya Bharathi for only 4 out of the 25 focus areas. Hence, we prepared concept notes on those areas and supplied to SCERTS and DIETs. Workshops were held for training our resource persons on developing and preparing position papers and concept notes. Now that many of our educational administrators and academicians could develop self confidence in handling and facing high end government educational machinery.
- Training for Anganwadi workers: Anganwadis are made a part of main stream education considering the importance of physical, mental and intellectual development at that particular age. Early childhood care now added education making it ECCE, for which training has been taken up Anganwadi workers in some states viz., Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Assam, etc was handed over to Vidya Bharathi.
- Technology use and digital education: Government is encouraging use of appropriate technology at all levels of education and bent upon establishing National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) for governing, administering and planning school education. It believes in hybrid, mixed and blended learning. Vidya Bharathi has started developing training centres across the country for end-to-end monitoring using latest ICT techniques.
- As task force and steering committee members: Almost in all the states task forces, steering and sub-committees are formed in which our resource persons also find a place and actively monitoring the implementation activity. These members are having special workshops to update and up-skill themselves.
- For NPST and mentoring mission: Our teams of Vidwat Parishad in Telangana sent detailed note on both national professional standards for teachers and national mentoring mission to NCTE at their request. Some of our principals and office bearers are members of the committee by NCTE for developing a strategy for NPST. Vidwat Parishad and our officer bearers are finding and searching out for quality mentors at all levels.
- As resource persons for writing text books: In many of the states, our senior and just retired teachers are picked up as resource persons for writing text books. Vidya Bharathi experts are also helping the respective state governments as trainers.
- Building bridges with DIETs and promoting Lokvidya: DIETs are ultimately to play an important role Vidya Bharathi has built bridges with them and playing very much a supportive role. We are identifying local artists and artisans to become master instructions in shcools.
- Understanding CBSE publications as per NEP: On different concepts and terms used in the NEP, the CBSE undertook the responsibility of publishing many books for teachers, principals, educational administrators and parents. Art integration, experiential learning, value education, vocational education, IT applications, traditional games, teachers hand books on different subjects, toy-based learning, Artificial intelligence and integrated pedagogy, are some of the titles.
- Teachers are being equipped: As per NEP requirements our teachers are being trained, empowered for which we did hold National level trainers’ workshop in Delhi on 6th, 7th, 8th of July 2021 who in turn train 1500 master trainers across the country. This workshop has provided direction and clarification regarding NEP by the people who are actually working on these topics from NCERT, CBSE, Ministry of Education and other experts.
- Vidya Bharathi prasikshana vyavastha is being relooked and reoriented: Our prasikshana vyavastha developed over almost seven decades of experience in school education is of course fool proof and could produce teachers who are highly motivated and inspiring students. Now as per NEP, teachers are to be empowered, up-skilled, reoriented and updated to meet global and national challenges during this 21st century.
There are many more initiatives from our end, but a few were mentioned in this write up. We are here to supplement government’s activity of implementation as a responsible nationalist NGO, working in the field of education for the last 7 decades.
(Author has Retired Principal and National President of Vidya Bharati)