Special project
The All-India Cultural Knowledge Examination being conducted by the Vidya Bharati Cultural Education Institute, Kurukshetra since the year 1980 has been taking place at thousands of examination centers in all the provinces of the country.
- In this examination 20,11,240 students and 2,40,00 teachers / guardians were included in this year. The test is not in the form of long objective answers but in the form of short objective answers.
- This test is also done in Hindi, English, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Assamese, Bangla and Oriya.
By this you will know
Too much treasure of its religion, its culture, and knowledge-science The achievements of India in the game world, ancient and modern scientists The history and geography of the country, what has India given to the world in the form of knowledge-science-mathematics Ayurveda or astronomy (Astronomy), and the great men of their country, freedom fighters, brave children, heroic girls, goddesses, deities, vows -People, places of pilgrimage and abundant wealth of common knowledge.
- Students receiving more than 45 percent marks will be given honorary certificate from the institute
- All participants of the examination will be given a participatory certificate.
- Public honors and awards by the provincial committee of Vidya Bharati for those who get hundred percent marks.
- Students from class 4 to 12
- Parents or teachers of any age group
Study Material
- A simple, attractive book of small 50-55 pages published by the Institute of Culture Education, Kurukshetra in different objective Q & A for each class.
Fees - Including the question paper, exam, certificate all
- For students of Rs. 20 / - for Classes 4 to 12 for Hindi medium candidates.
- 20 / - for students of English medium.
- For Rs. 30 / - teachers for teachers and guardians, category-entry, middleman, Uttam (Hindi medium).
- Examination Center and for detailed information
- For information about examination center, examination date and time contact any school run by Vidya Bharati near.
- Write your fee, your name to your Principal or class teacher.
- Children themselves or their parents can also contact Vidya Bharati's school.
- This examination can be given to children, teachers and other people of the society.
This years --
- This examination will be held in your school or any child / Vidya Mandir, run by Vidya Bharati near.
- Quickly contact your name to get registered for Vidya Bharati's examination in the nearest school.
- Culture Knowledge Quiz-Class 4 to 12 questions of brothers / sisters are organized from the school level at the all India level every year.
Culture Knowledge Examination of Class 9 and 10
By OMR Sheet (Optical Mark Recognition)
In the session 2018-19 experimental, the Cultural Knowledge Examination of Class 9 and 10 will be resolved by the students on OMR Sheet. This test will be of objective type, in which the candidate will have to make the ball black in the appropriate position by the answer HB pencil. Only the answers filled on this OMR sheet will be valid. With this, the additional material sent by any other type will not be valid. This sheet will be processed in advance, so it is necessary to carefully pass it without any PIN or send it carefully to the Kurukshetra office of the institute carefully.