Vidya Bharati Fights Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Vidya Bharati Fights Corona Virus (COVID-19) till 3th May 2020
All social organizations, along with the central and various state governments, are active in fighting the corona global pendemic.
* Bharati students, teachers, alumni and other staff members are also fully participating in the service of the comman man.
* During the lockdown period, 7,42,645 packets of food grains and 24,07,923 packets of food have been distributed to the needy, till 3th May 2020.
*14,13,685 masks, 2,26,055 sanitizers people have been distributed.
* Vidya Bharati has also distributed 86,499 kg of animal food.
* Vidya Bharati in its awareness campaign has reached 49,897 people so far to comply with social distancing and other government directives in villages .
* 8,626 Vidya Bharati Schools are actively participating in all these exercises at 21,825 service places with 98,898 active volunteers.
* Vidya Bharati Akhil Bhartiya Siksha Sansthan affiliates and volunteers have contributed Rs 8,75,11,717/- in Prime Minister's Care Fund and Rs 1,09,58,332/- in various Chief Minister's Assistance Fund.