Vidya Bharati welcomes launching of National Curriculum Frame Work for foundation stage, which is the crucial stage, but also challenging and base for all other stages. It is definitely transformatory as it is thinking of holistic development of the child along with building competencies and value base. We believe that this curriculum unambiguously leads for high quality care and education which spreads positive consequences of all individuals and ultimately the nation.
Play based learning continuum highlighting different levels of teachers involvement in play, that can support children learning in a children centered and play environment. Indian vision of education has been very broad and deep, which was highlighted by this curriculum frame work. We welcome this effort.
This curriculum frame work promotes medium of instruction at foundation stage in home language, which is path breaking and more scientific. To ensure local relevance and to keep alive rich range of Indian diverse and vibrant ECCE tradition developed over millennia, it is suggested that these are to be appropriately incorporated in the curricular and pedagogical frame work of ECCE, for enjoyment, excitement, local culture, a sense of Identity and community.
Learning by doing: Activities planned with illustration for developing regard for natural environment, mathematical understanding and abilities to
recognize the world through quantities, shapes and measures, develop effective communication skills for day to day in two languages and ultimately acquires fluency in reading and writing is very much scientific and experiential learning.
Principle to practice & Practice to principles: For teachers it is a very good guide as some of the principles are derived. A detailed useful information is given to teachers for classroom management and learning process.
Guidance for technology usage: Audio will enhance listening skills and an aid for language acquisition. It is also suggested to have technology based Teaching Learning Material. Really encouragement for digital infotainment for children is suggested. Evidence suggests moderate& controlled use of digital technology can be very much beneficial to children's mental well-being.
Teacher’s empowerment and up skilling is a big challenge which is to be judiciously planned.
- D. Ramakrishna Rao
Akhil Bharatiya President